Leather Bound & Lovely home about reviews contact policy


Hello! Thank you for your interest in my blog and for taking the time to read over my review policy.

I am currently accepting YA books for review.
I would also be interested in hosting giveaways, participating in a blog tour, or doing an author interview.

The only genre I read and am interested in reviewing are Young Adult titles, preferably under the sub-genres of Paranormal, Dystopian, Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Historical Fiction. However, I will consider other sub-genres if requested.

Please note, that while I may accept a book, that does NOT always mean I will review it.
When I do review a book, I will try to post a review of it in a timely manner, but if there were a specific date you would prefer it to be posted on please let me know and I will try my best to accommodate you.
Please allow up to 48 hours for me to respond to your inquiries. If you have not heard from me after that, you can assume I am not interested.
I accept books in the following formats:
-Nook Compatible E-books
-Finished Copy
I will accept books from self-published authors, but in these cases I will only accept a finished hard copy.

My reviews are always honest, but never distasteful. If I do not like what I review I will always make a point to say that it was my own personal feelings about the book and another reader might have completely opposite feelings. I will also make a point to mention at least something that I enjoyed.
My reviews will include:
-Cover Art
-Personal Thoughts
-A rating scale of 1-5 (1 being poor, 5 being excellent)
In addition to posting my reviews on this blog, I post on Goodreads and Amazon.

You can contact me at lbandlovely@gmail.com

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