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I’m Not Dead!

Hey guys! Wow, it has been a very long time since I had the chance to update the blog! If you can remember back to the middle of June I had started an internship and was working on some Summer Classes, so quality reading time was kind of hard to come by. Who knew that quality blogging time would be so tough to find too!
Well, anyway! My internship has finally ended and I passed my summer course with flying colors. Now, it will be back to campus around this time next week and then starting back to school. I know my time will become much easier to come by in the following weeks, but please continue to be patient with me as I make the big move back to my University.
Thank you so much for your ongoing love and patience!


  1. Aww, congrats on finishing your internship and passing your summer course! Really like the new look! <3

  2. Congrats, and I hope the internship and Summer went AMAZING! WELCOME BACK! ♥

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