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Busy Weeks Ahead!


Hey All! It was a little dead around here by the end of last week and I have a very busy few weeks coming up so I wanted to explain about the month of June here at Leather Bound and Lovely! 

I just started a summer internship that is very time demanding and so adjusting to that is going to be a little strange for me at first and in addition to that, I will be out of town from June 8th through the 17th on vacation. I just wanted to create this post so I could give followers a heads up. If you are trying to get in touch with me and I’m a little slower than usual with responses, you know why. 

Meme’s should continue as usual, but reviews may be a little slower. The good news is, that once I come back from vacation I should have several reviews lined up. Nothing better than reading on the beach! 

Thanks again for your patience and understanding! Hope everyone else is going to have a great summer as well.


  1. Oh, good luck with your summer internship, Darlene! I hope you would have great time in the internship! x) Seems like everyone is busy with the preparation of exams or holiday - in my case, exams! I like beach wind, but I'm having trouble concentrating when I read in the beach LOL. I was always tempted to test the water or hunt seashells! x)

    I wish your summer holiday would be a blast, Darlene! <3

  2. Have a great time on your vacation and internship! Can't wait to see the reviews you have lined up for when you come back.

  3. Good luck with the Internship, Darlene! Sometimes, 'real' life has to come before reading and blogging... and hey--really? No-one minds. We all have the same prob from time to time ;D

    Hope you have an AMAZING Summer! ♥
