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Reading Friends

I am on vacation this week and so in lieu of normal posting, I will be featuring some bookish related discussions, as well as having a few guests on the blog.

Reading Friends

For me, friends who are as passionate as I am about reading are hard to come by.
 My mother has always enjoyed reading as a past time, but nothing serious and we definitely don’t share common book interests. I pretty much kept my opinions to myself until I met a girl, Nicole, in high school. We met through the school’s drama club and we didn’t even discuss books seriously until about a year after we met. Then one day, I guess we just got on the subject and realized we love the same books! I don’t know if anyone else has ever experienced that moment, but I am pretty sure we talked for hours about characters and different genres. At the end of that night we swapped a couple of books the other had yet to read and several years later she is still one of my only bookish pals!

I’m also a big believer in converting non-readers. I was extremely successful during the whole Twilight craze that occurred when the first movie was coming out. I can’t tell you how many friends I had who borrowed my Twilight book…but I can tell you that once it had been returned for good, the spine was held together with tape. The sad thing is, none of them really stuck to reading after that series. I’ll tell you what series did convert someone who I never believed would be a reader: The Mortal Instruments. That is my favorite series ever and I actually got my Dad to read by giving him The Mortal Instruments while on a plane ride. He found his genre and now he even reads more than I do sometimes. That’s a big accomplishment from a man who used to hand me his Lawn Mower Instruction Manuals to read…. when I was like, 10.

I was so interested in this as a discussion post this week because I feel like several people in the blogging community have many friends in their everyday life who they can share books with (I won’t lie and say I’m not jealous!). Do you have a big group of friends who are real life readers? How many of your friends also read? Does anyone only have blogger friends who share your love for the written word?

Please feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments below and I will try to read and respond to you when I can!


  1. Glad you found one friend who loves the same kind of books and with the same zeal! I can't say much about my friends... they read some books but they're not avid readers. I still haven't found that one friend who'd have the same interest! :| That's one of the reasons I started book blogging in addition to my personal one! I wanted to know more people!

    And that's so true about the book being in bad shape when it gets returned to you. Kind of breaks my heart. Do you feel the same way too?

  2. I definitely was ''drawn'' to people like me in school so I've always had a lot of book-ish friends. In fact, I can't think of any friend of mine who ISN'T in books! Most of them don't live near me anymore but I swap books regularly one girl. That said, they love books and read tons but they're not really into discussing books to death like I am. That's why I love blogging. ;)
